Participation Strategy
In Our Home we acknowledge the importance of involving residents, their families and representatives, staff and visitors if desired outcomes are to be achieved for our residents.
We value other peoples views and opinions. Participation is an essential strategy which facilitates involvement, quality improvement and continued development of the current and future objectives of our service. We aim to involve and support our residents to achieve their maximum potential during their stay.
Staff are dedicated to providing the highest standard of care where residents preferences and choices are identified to support their person-centred personal plan.
- Involvement – residents, families, representatives and staff who wish to participate in the future objectives of the service are encouraged to be involved in the decision-making process
- Consultation – we aim to engage with all who use and work within our service
- Empowerment – to value residents and staff members point of view, this promotes respect and self worth
Aims and Objectives
To enable residents to participate in shaping the future of the service, with the involvement of all who use the service and work.
- To facilitate a forum for residents to share their views and opinions
- To recognise residents choice to participate
- To acknowledge the benefits of good outcomes for residents who wish to be involved in the decision-making process
- To identify how best to communicate with individual resident
- Involve residents, their family and representatives, staff and visitors to work together in partnership, capture their views on how to develop and improve the service
- Enable residents to reach their potential and provide information to facilitate their involvement within the service.
- Identify the appropriate method of consultation to enable people to participate in moving the service forward (meetings, questions, surveys, suggestion boxes, etc)
- Encourage open communications with all who use and work within the service to promote trust and confidence within the team
- Acknowledge the improvements identified within the service following effective consultation.
Keeping Residents Informed
We recognise that our resident’s level of involvement is dependent on their individual preferences, therefore a variety of methods of participation are made available to keep residents informed:
Residents are informed of any future meetings arranged, an annual schedule is located in a central area to encourage a good attendance rate
Residents are provided with relevant information to enable participation and involvement
Staff have a good knowledge base of the importance of effective communication, a review of the most appropriate method of communication is undertaken to support residents to be kept well informed of what is happening within our home. -
Methods of Information
Resident’s newsletter will be issued to our residents four times a year, which they can assist in compiling
Customer reviews and feedback are utilised to measure levels of customer satisfaction and to demonstrate improvements
Group meetings, which enable residents to participate in various areas, such as activities, nutrition, quality assurance, recruitment and gardening
We have post boxes located at the main entrance this allows residents, relatives, visitors and staff to post suggestions. These forms will be used to enhance the care provision
Residents terms and conditions will be issued on admission. The residents may request a copy of policies and procedures which are clear and concise. These documents include the complaints procedure, care inspectorate complaints procedure and whistleblowing policy
Information leaflets on various topics including independent advocacy are available to everyone. Please request from our reception staff. -
We believe that our resident’s participation can benefit the service they receive. Therefore, we would like to encourage our residents and relatives participation in the following ways:
Pre-admission assessments for potential residents and encouragement to become involved in the development of their own person centred care file
Introduction to new admissions from support departments
Resident and relatives participation in recruitment of new staff and the staff appraisal process
Resident and relatives satisfaction questionnaires with subsequent follow up action plan. The questionnaires are used in conjunction with reviews and allow residents and relatives to comment on all areas of the home
Encourage community links with schools, churches, community centres, local club etc
Ongoing life story work
Open communication through the home’s newsletter
Encouraging staff to empower residents in every aspect of their lives
Development of a person centred plan of care
Safer recruitment, supervision and appraisal. -
Caring Together
We will continue to seek the views of residents to ensure that they are central to outcomes, a review will be undertaken following consultation to facilitate continual improvement
Care and support (care reviews, outcomes, choices, preferences, menus)
Your Environment
The Team (recruitment, supervisions, staff appraisals)
Leadership (Quality Improvement meetings)Relatives:
We will continue to seek the views of relatives to ensure that there opinions are considered on how to improve the service, a review will be undertaken following consultation to facilitate continual improvement
Care and support for your relative (care reviews)
Your environment
The service (surveys, questionnaires)Staff:
We will continue to seek the views of staff to ensure that they feel valued and that their involvement is considered when reviewing the future objectives of the service, a review will be undertaken following consultation to facilitate continual improvement
How do we support residents to achieve desired outcomes?
What we do well? (strengths)
What could we do better? (areas for development) -
Review our Participation Strategy
The Participation strategy is reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that the best outcomes are achieved for residents:
Quality improvement meetings are scheduled on a regular basis, outcomes for residents are central to our key objectives
Opportunities will be made available for all individuals who wish to be involved with the future objectives of the service. -
The Future
We will continue to seek the views of all who use and work within our service to facilitate effective communication and continual improvement:
We will aim to maintain links with the local community to enable our residents to keep in touch with their previous connections
We will continue to liaise with external professionals to ensure that our residents receive expert advice and support when recommended
Recognise barriers to sustaining continual improvement and involve people to identify a solution to achieve improved outcomes
The team endeavour to facilitate continual improvement with the involvement of all who use and work within the service.